Research Interests:
Market Design, Game Theory, Social Choice Theory, Fair Division, Decision Making under Uncertainty, Energy Economics
- “Sequential School Choice with Public and Private Schools”, with Tommy Andersson, Umut Mert Dur, and Onur Kesten, Social Choice and Welfare, June 2024
- “Legal and Ownership Unbundling in the Turkish Natural Gas Market: A Comparative Analysis” with Yunus Emre Gürler, Muzaffer Eroğlu, and Matthias Finger, Competition and Regulation in Network Industries, February 2024
- “Analyzing Efficiency in the Medical Laboratory Industry using Stochastic Frontier Analysis” with Levent Kutlu, Applied Economics, December 2023
- “Rationing Rules for Risky Claims”, with Siddharth Chatterjee and Rajnish Kumar, Journal of Mathematical Economics, October 2023
- “A Game Theoretical Approach to Islamic Law Disputes”, with Burak Doğan, Journal of Islamic Accounting and Business Research, September 2023
- “Game theory-oriented approach for disassembly line worker assignment and balancing problem with multi-manned workstations” with Emre Çevikcan, Miraç Murat and Yıldız Köse, Computers and Industrial Engineering, July 2023
- “Rationing Rules under Uncertain Claims: a survey” with Rajnish Kumar, Game Theory and Networks: New Perspectives and Directions, October 2021
- “Proportional Rules for State Contingent Claims”, with Rajnish Kumar, International Journal of Game Theory, March 2018
- “Voting Games of Resolute Social Choice Correspondences” with Levent Kutlu and M. Remzi Sanver, Social Choice and Welfare, June 2015
- “Essays on Fair Division and Social Choice”, Doctoral dissertation, Rice University, December 2013
Working Papers:
- “A characterization of the alpha‐min egalitarian rule”, with Anisha Bandyopadhyay and Rajnish Kumar
- “Integrating Proportional and Egalitarian Principles in Claims Problems”, with Anisha Bandyopadhyay and Rajnish Kumar
- “Matching with Overlapping Quotas under Weak Preferences”, with David Thomas Seymour
- “Custom Due Dates and Late Payments”, with Mehmet Yiğit Gürdal and Tolga Umut Kuzubaş
- “Fair and Efficient Allocation of Budget Seats in Ukrainian Universities”, with Mustafa Oğuz Afacan, Umut Mert Dur and Onur Kesten
- “Ordered Object Allocation”, with Mustafa Oğuz Afacan
- “Welfare Egalitarianism under Uncertainty”
Other Publications:
- “İslam Hukuku’ndan Paylaşım Meselelerinin Mikroiktisatın Adil Paylaşım Alanına Uyarlanması: Üç Problemin Aksiyomatik Analizi”, with Burak Doğan, İstanbul
Üniversitesi Darülfünun İlahiyat, July 2024 - “Kıt Kaynakların Paylaştırılması: Talepler Problemi Literatürü Üzerine Bir İnceleme”, with Orhan Aygün and Burak Doğan, Anadolu Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi, September 2023
- “Fair Division of Scarce Resources: A Brief Survey of Claims Problems”, Industrial Policy, July 2023
- “Miras Hukuku Sistemlerinde Bir İflas Problemi Uygulaması: İslam Miras Hukuku Örneği”, with Burak Doğan, Pamukkale Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 2023
- “Otomotiv Sektöründe Performans Pazarlama Yaklaşımıyla Uçtan Uca Dönüşüm Optimizasyonu Üzerine bir Uygulama”, with Adnan Veysel Ertemel and Cemil Can Çoktuğ, Journal of Business and Communication Studies, 2022
- “A Distribution Network Design Model for Additive Manufacturing”, Industrial Engineering in the Internet-of-Things World, GJCIE 2020. Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering. Springer, August 2021
- “Profit Allocation in the Turkish Electricity Industry Based on Cooperative Game Theory” with Nurtaç Karaca, In: Calisir F., Korhan O. (eds) Industrial Engineering in the Digital Disruption Era. GJCIE 2019. Lecture Notes in Management and Industrial Engineering. Springer, March 2020
- “OPEC’in Enerji Fiyatları Üzerindeki Etkisi: 2014-2016 Yılları”, Opportunities in the Mediterranean Region Economy, Energy and Security, February 2019
- “Three Essays on Welfare Economics”, SRA Academic Publishing, 2023
- British Academy Newton Mobility Grant, 2018-2019
“Fair Division under Risk and Uncertainty”
- French Embassy Research Fellowship, 2019
“Fair Social Choice Theory under Risk with Applications to the Climate Change”
- TÜBİTAK 2232 – Postdoctoral Reintegration Fellowship Grant, 2015-2017
“Welfare Economics and its applications under risk and uncertainty”